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Now is The Time to Plant Bulbs & Put Your Lawn to Bed

Many people are surprised to learn that our job doesn’t “end” with the warm summer months in Bucks County, PA. Your property needs as much care and attention in the fall and winter months as it does in the spring and summer. We proudly provide our maintenance customers with year- round services. 

Right now, the Nurney Landscape & Design team is focused on:

  • Fall Bulbs

If you’re eager to see colorful blooms in the spring, now is the time for planting bulbs. From a timing perspective, some bulbs bloom so early in the spring that they have to be planted in the fall. And many bulbs need to be exposed to cold soil temperatures to force or encourage flowering. Some of the spring bulbs we’re planting right now include alliums, crocuses, daffodils, grape hyacinths, hyacinths, irises, lilies, and tulips. 

  • Pulling Weeds, Removing Annuals

We are pulling weeds and removing annuals that have reached the end of their life cycle. This will help to prevent them from spreading seeds and becoming a problem next year.

  • Freshening Up Mulch

Mulch serves to hold in moisture, provide nutrition as it breaks down, and moderate soil temperature. We’ll freshen up your mulch beds by adding a new layer.

  • Leaf Clean-Up

Leaf clean-up is essential for maintaining a healthy lawn and garden. Leaves can smother grass and prevent it from receiving sunlight and air.

  • Cut Back Perennials

For certain perennials, it’s best to remove the dead material to ensure they do well through the winter and emerge with new growth when spring arrives.

  • A Final Cut of the Lawn

We’ll give your lawn a final cut of about 1-2 inches. Short grass won’t develop mold or fungus beneath a layer of snow nor will it bend. It’s still long enough to take in photosynthesis during the winter. Shorter grass also leaves less room for small creatures like mice to dig a nest.

Pro Tip: Be careful not to create dead zones. If you’re using any part of your lawn for winter storage – lawn furniture, grill, etc. – it could create dead zones that may prevent a uniformly healthy lawn in the spring.

By taking steps now to put your lawn to bed and plant bulbs, you can help your property thrive throughout the winter months and emerge healthy and vibrant in the spring. Contact Nurney Landscape & Design to enjoy the perks of full-service landscape maintenance year-round. (215) 794-8599. 


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